Forest ecosystems as global resource of the biosphere: calls, threats, solutions
International Scientific Forestry Forum
21–23 October, 2025
University of East Sarajevo. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska


Organizing committee of the conference:

Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Natalia Yakovenko, Doctor of Sci. (Geography), Associate Professor, Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies Named after G.F. Morozov, Voronezh, Russia


Deputy Chairman — Prof. Svetlana Morkovina — doctor of economics, vice-rector for science and innovations of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov, Russia

Deputy Chairman — Ph.D. Anna Saralunga — associate professor, dean of the Forestry faculty of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov, Russia

Deputy Chairman — Prof. Sergey Matveev — doctor of biological sciences, head of the department of forestry and forest inventory of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov, head of the Research and educational center of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov of «Sustainable development of  forest complex», Russia

Executive Secretary — Ph.D. Yulia Chekmeneva — associate professor of the department of Botany and plant physiology of the Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov, Russia

Technical Secretary — Ph.D. Igor Shanin — associate professor of the department of Economics and finance, leading engineer of the research sector of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov, Russia

Editor of conference materials  – Mrs. Svetlana Krokhotina — head of editorial and publishing department of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov, Russia

Technical Secretary — PhD Olga Zakharova — assistant director of Research Institute of Environmental Science and Biotechnology, Derzhavin Tambov State University, Russia



Prof. Mikhail Drapalyuk – doctor of technical sciences, rector of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov, Russia

Prof. Nikolai Kharchenko – doctor of biological sciences, head of the department of Ecology, forest protection and forest hunting of Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov, Russia

Ph.D. Alexander Gusev – director of Research Institute of Environmental Science and Biotechnology, Derzhavin Tambov State University, Russia

Mr. Mikhail Doronin – head of the Department of using and reproduction of forestry of the Federal Forestry Agency of the Russian Federation. (Rosleshoz), Russia

Mrs. Oksana Netrebskaya – deputy head of the department of Education of the Federal forestry agency (Rosleshoz), Russia

Ph.D. Vladimir Padutov – corresponding member of the National academy of sciences of Belarus, Institute of forest of the national academy of sciences of Belarus, Belarus

Ph.D. Vasily Yarmolovich – dean of the Forestry faculty of the Belarusian state technical university, Belarus

Prof. Antonio Garcia Abril – Ph.D., Madrid polytechnic university, Spain

Prof. Vilem Podrazsky – Ph.D., Czech university of life sciences, President of the Czech Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Czech Republic

Prof. Jan Sedliacik – doctor of technical sciences, dean of the Forestry faculty of Zvolen technical university, Slovakia

Ph.D. Vladan Ivetić – associate professor Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade university. Head of Chair for Seed science, nursery production and afforestation IUFRO RG 3.02.00 — Stand establisment and treatment, Serbia

Ph.D. Igor Vasilyev – director of the St. Petersburg forestry research institute, Russia

Ph.D. Alexander Martynyuk – director of the All-russian research institute for silviculture and mechanization of forestry, Russia

Ph.D. Oleg Korchagin – director of the Research institute of forest genetics, breeding and biotechnology, Russia

Ph.D. Vladimir Sivolapov – director of Forest protection center of the Voronezh region, Russia

Ph.D. Valery Egorushkin – rector of the Bryansk state engineering university, Russia

Prof. Vasily Popov – doctor of biological sciences, vice-rector of science and innovations of Voronezh state university, Russia

Prof. Evgeniy Romanov – doctor of biological sciences, president of Volga state technological university, Russia

Ph.D. Sergei Zalesov – vice-rector of scientific work of Ural State Forest Engineering University of , head of the department of Forestry, Russia

Prof. Zufar Nagimov – doctor of agricultural science, dean of the Forestry faculty of the Ural forestry university, Russia

Prof. Vladimir Lipatkin – Ph.D., department of Ecology and forest protection of the Mytishchi branch of Moscow state technical university named after N.E. Bauman, Russia

Ph.D. Anatoly Selivanov – dean of Forestry faculty of St. Petersburg forestry engineering university, Russia

Ph.D. Vasily Rubtsov – head of the laboratory of Ecology of broad-leaved forests, Institute of forestry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Invited guests

The world’s leading scientists will share their experience of scientific achievements

Konstantin Valerievich Krutovsky, Professor of Genetics and Acting head Department of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany



Berthold Heinze, Dr. rer. nat. techn. Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape · Department of Genetics



Mirjana Šijačić-Nikolić, Profesor, University in Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry




Vilém Podrázský, Prof., Czech university of life sciences, President of the Czech Academy of Agrarian Sciences. Czech Republic



Ján Sedliačik, Prof., Dean of the Forestry faculty of Zvolen technical university. Slovakia




Vladan Ivetić, Dr., Full Professor University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry. REFORESTA — Editor-in-Chief COST Action CA




Antonio Garcia Abril, Prof. Madrid polytechnic university, Spain




Back Tomas Ersson, PhD, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Skinnskatteberg, Associate Senior Lecturer School of Forest Management, Sweden



Alex Matveev, PhD, Department of Geography, Planning, Environment, Loyola Sustainability Research Centr, Canada